In the diaries of aunts found among family mementos, extra virgin olive oil was mentioned over and over again as an everyday ingredient in the preparation of soaps and cosmetics: this prompted us to recover another thread of our traditions. The beneficial properties of oil for health and beauty have been known for thousands of years, it’s only recently have we lost touch with them, benefitting products that prefer chemistry to the resources that nature itself makes available to us.

Going back, we have chosen to use one of our Oils – the 274th – and to invest many years of study and experimentation on every single recipe, to create an entire line of cosmetics. Soap, creams, shampoos and oils are available for those who need this choice for health reasons or, more simply, those who would like to devote daily treatment of healthy and natural wellness to their body.
Onsite Visits
Our Oils are for sale online, on this site, and in many countries around the world. But they are available especially in the company, where if you come to visit us we will be happy to let you taste them, after showing you where they were born and how. You can contact us here for a visit or for an
order: we will be happy to answer you personally.